
Courses to Add

CourseNameLocationStart DateCost
FFP-210-AF1FIRE FIGHTER MIN STANDARDS 2Hollywood Fire Rescue Training Center (Barry University Fire Academy)2025-03-082,850.00

Emergency Contact Information

Registration will be limited to a first-come first-served basis. A confirmation e-mail and map indicating exact location will be sent one week prior to the start of the course. If you register late or do not receive a confirmation e-mail by the end of the week before the start of the course, be certain to call 305-981-5148 for important details.

Terms and Conditions of Registration

Registration Information

Registration constitutes a financial agreement between you and Barry University. Tuition, fees, and other charges you may incur, including but not limited to housing, meal plans and bookstore charges ("Charges"), may be added to your student account. Charges shall be the responsibility of the student and shall be paid within the course or program in which the Charges were incurred. Students assume responsibility for all costs incurred as a result of enrollment at Barry University. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of their account balance and financial information, and maintain current valid postal address information at all times to ensure receipt of all University correspondence in a timely manner. Barry University recognizes the Barry e-mail system as the primary electronic communication between the student and the University. Students are expected to check their Barry e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with University-related communications. You agree to reimburse to the University the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a minimum of 33.3% of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees that the university may incur in such collection efforts. The University reserves the right to cancel registration of any student if a balance due from a previous term remains unpaid at the start of a subsequent term.

Conditions for Non-Reversible Fee

A non-reversible $250.00 fee may be charged to your student account if a balance remains after the last payment due date of the term. Each student must be aware of all payment due dates for each term they are registered.

Course Drop or Withdrawal

Withdrawal from a course, with refund of tuition, is permitted up to seven (7) days prior to the course start date. Refunds may not be processed until a written request is received. After that date, there is no refund of tuition, and the full tuition is the financial responsibility of the student. If we are asked to bill a company and the registrant does not attend, the company will be billed unless the registration is cancelled in advance. Barry University reserves the right to cancel any class because of insufficient registration. By executing this document, the undersigned student acknowledges that: I agree to register for the course sections selected. Failure to comply with course and program requirements, including but not limited to payment in full by the due date and passing the course and program, may have adverse consequences relating to course and program completion, which is the sole responsibility of the student. I understand and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Registration noted above.

Processing Form Processing Request