The Barry Buccaneer, Barry University’s student-run newspaper, is pleased to announce that it took first place in a state-wide college journalism contest. The Florida College Press Association (FCPA) honored The Buccaneer in the category of feature design for a two-page spread.
The winning article, ‘From marine biology to break dancing,’ came from the April 2012 edition of the newspaper and was designed by former student and Buccaneer layout editor Damian Flores. The article was written by contributing writer Ray Rosa to illustrate a story about a student break dancer. Photographs for the article were taken by former photo editor Angel Roman.
The Buccaneer competed against collegiate newspapers from around the state, including The University of Miami Hurricane, the FAU University Press and the FAMU Famuan. The awards were judged by professional journalists from outside Florida.
The Buccaneer’s entry was the only one in any category to merit a judge’s comment. The judge said: “Clever display. It’s as if we’re watching him dance as we follow the photos around the page.”
Click here to see a copy of the winning article.