With the Barry University Scholarship System, searching for available opportunities is fast and easy! The scholarship application period is open January 1 – February 12, so don’t wait. Get started today!
- Log in to the Barry University Scholarship System using your @mymail.barry.edu or @barry.edu email address and password.
- Complete the simple, general application in just a few minutes.
- Be automatically considered for available Barry University scholarships.
- Review all recommended scholarship opportunities and apply for the scholarships for which you meet the criteria.
Interested in viewing available scholarships?
You don’t need a Barry email and password to review available opportunities on the Barry University Scholarship System. Anyone can visit the website to browse scholarships, do a keyword search to see if their qualifications are a match, and find links to other helpful scholarship websites.
For more information on the application process, visit www.barry.edu/scholarships.