Inauguration Videos
Highlights video of Founders' Week and Inauguration
Inauguration Speech by Michael S. Allen, Ph.D.
President, Barry University
BarryU Transforming Lives...
At Barry University, we’re proud of our diverse, inclusive community and how our degree programs prepare students for their careers and greater future.
Brother Gregory Crosby, G.D.C.
Chairperson, Administrative Staff Council
Carlos A. Gimenez '99
Mayor, Miami-Dade County
Crystal Wagar, J.D.
Mayor, Village of Miami Shores
Jaime Lizotte, CSPO '05
President, Alumni Board of Directors
John M. Bussel, B.A.
Chairperson, Board of Trustees
Leticia Vega, Ph.D.
Chairperson, Faculty Senate
Reverend Monsignor Chanel Jeanty, J.C.L.
Barry University Trustee and Chancellor for Canonical, Affairs and Vicar General
Sirena Register
President, Student Government Association
Sister Linda Bevilacqua, O.P., Ph.D.
Sixth President, Barry University
Sister Patricia Siemen, O.P., J.D.
Barry University Trustee and Prioress of the Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary, Adrian Dominican Sisters
Full Inauguration
The full length version of the Inauguration of Barry University's 7th President: Michael S. Allen, Ph.D.
Full Inauguration Mass
The Inauguration Mass of Barry University's 7th President: Michael S. Allen, Ph.D.
Founders' Week Videos
This year's Founders' Week celebrates the inauguration of Dr. Mike S. Allen, Barry's 7th president, and honors our founders and religious sponsors, the Adrian Dominican Sisters.
Service Day at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park
Barry University kicked off Founders’ Week 2019 with a Service Day at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park.
Barry University Reflection Day