Barry University is a building block for lifelong professional and personal connections. Alumna Dr. Joanne Byron experienced first-hand how this type of camaraderie and collaboration was a key ingredient to her professional development. Byron received her Bachelor of Science, Master’s in Clinical Psychology, and Specialist in School Psychology degrees from Barry University, which provided her with a solid academic foundation to pursue a successful psychology career. More than 20 years since her graduation, she continues to collaborate with her mentors and colleagues from Barry, publishing opportunities specific to Crisis Preparedness for Mental Health through Cross-Cultural Techniques.
One of the highlights of her education was the mentorship she received from Dr. Stephen Koncsol. He provided guidance and support throughout her academic journey, from her Bachelor’s to her Ph.D. degrees. Through Dr. Koncsol, Byron was introduced to Ms. Saima Hossain and Dr. Agnes Shine, two key figures in her professional trajectory, creating a lifelong connection spanning over 25 years. Dr. Shine recruited Byron to be the first graduate of the School Psychology program and was a valued advisor for her Ph.D. dissertation. Hossain became her mentee before entering the School Psychology program, and then her intern. Through Hossain, Dr. Joanne Byron had the opportunity to embrace a global view and take her career across geographical borders. She was introduced to Southeast Asia, where she became an international speaker at the International Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Disabilities in Bangladesh and South Asia and the International Conference on Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Bhutan. Further encouraged by Hossain, Byron developed the first crisis program for Bangladesh, where she had the opportunity to become the developer and the trainer, leading to an affinity and love for the people and the country of Bangladesh. With Ms. Hossain’s support, she produced mental health videos for the people of Bangladesh to address stress-related COVID-19 issues.