Thanks to the Student Academic Leadership Fellowship, four BarryU SSW students assisted the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy’s (CRISP) Third Annual Social Work Day on the Hill. Students Daryl Campbell, Zacharys (Sasha) Morales, Hailee Jefferys, and Tiffany Hodgson were invited to represent Barry University School of Social Work at this event. This year’s event honored former Congressman Edolphus “Ed” Towns and launch the Ed Towns Congressional Fellows Program.
Former Congressman Towns founded the Congressional Social Work Caucus in 2010 to provide a platform on the Hill that allows social workers to engage Congress through various activities and to expand access to internships for social work students.
He created Social Work Day on the Hill in 2015 as a day during Social Work Month when national social work organizations, social work schools and departments, and social workers of all stripes could gather on the Hill to salute social work Members of Congress and celebrate the many contributions social workers have made to our nation through service with the federal government.
Click here for some pictures of their amazing experience!
Daryl Campbell, MSW (Summer ’17)
Area of Interest:
- Social Work Policy Analysis
- Assessing and Treating Mental Health Disorders
- Substance Use Disorders
Zacharys (Sasha) Morales, MSW (Spring ’17)
Area of Interest:
- Clinical Practice with Children and Adolescents
- Human Services and Non-profit Organizational Management
Hailee Jefferys, BSW (Spring ’17)
Area of interest:
- Clinical Practice with adolescents and adults, who have experienced interpersonal trauma, specifically sexual assault and domestic violence
- Community mental health outreach and education.
Tiffany Hodgson, BSW (Spring ’18)
Area of interest:
- Mothers diagnosed with Postpartum Depression & Psychosis