Immigration and the "Zero Tolerance" Policy...
The Barry University School of Social Work stands against the policy of separating children from their families. According to reports, thousands of children are being separated from their parents under the “zero tolerance” policy. Under this policy, families are entangled in a terrifying quagmire; fleeing from a place of danger, to a land of freedom and abundance that will adversely alter their futures forever. A land that separates hopeful parents from their frightened children. Innocent children, now trapped between two worlds; worlds that seem to disregard the pain and suffering and the irredeemable harm such policies inflict upon them.
Along with all Schools of Social Work around the country, the National Association of Social Workers, the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy, the United Nations, U.S. Catholic Bishops, and all other human rights advocates, Barry University School of Social Work stands against this policy and any policy that blatantly or subtly undermine human rights and the values and principles of social justice.
Be the Voice for Change
Phyllis F. Scott