Class Descriptions

Aerobic Exercise

High and low impact movements make up this specialized form of exercise aimed at strengthening the body's cardiovascular system without overly stressing any particular part of the body. It involves a lot of bodily movement but the movement is designed to be not overly repetitive.

Location: Miller Studio

Boot Camp

Barry's and Boot Camp workout takes on a fast-paced military approach with interval training that includes movements such as push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, running in place, football, and an assortment of plymetric floor exercises style-drills.

Location: Fitness Center


CrossFit is a total body workout designed to include all components of fitness including muscular endurance, power training, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle strengthening. It is an unconventional and unique style that caters to all types of people and fitness levels.

Location: Off-site

Indoor Soccer

Open recreational time dedicated to faculty and staff for playing soccer in an indoor setting with reduced goals.

Location: Health and Sports Center/Gymnasium

Ninja Fitness

Ninja Warrior Training, Parkour and Strength building. Improves body awareness by increasing flexibility and range of motion. Helps relieve stress and tension.

Personal Training

Certified fitness professionals will help you get on track with your fitness goals by providing you with a program. Available for all faculty, staff, and students.

Location: Landon Fitness Center
Schedule: Email or call to make an appointment.
Contact: or (305) 899-4016


Individual session: $40/hour

Buddy session: $20/pp/hr

Packages: 5 individual sessions $140 ($28/session)
10 Individual Sessions $260 ($26/session)

Initial Consultation (required) $15

Personal Training is available to BU students & Faculty/Staff only.

Services include:

  • Comprehensive fitness assessment
  • Private fitness consultation
  • One-on-one instruction on weight machines, free weights, cardiovascular equipment, flexibility training & core training.
  • Corrective exercises for muscular or mobility imbalances.

Location: Landon Fitness Center
Schedule: Email or call to make an appointment.
Contact: or (305) 899-4016


An exercise method based on the work of Joseph Pilates. Its focus is on strengthening the "powerhouse" (abs and buttocks) to execute the exercises which are designed to increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and improve posture. The method involves concentration and the coordination of breath and movement, thereby helping to balance mind and body.

Location: Miller Studio


Aerobic exercise on a specially designed stationary bicycle. The instructor talks you through a visualization of an outdoor cycling workout.

Location: Miller Studio


Relaxation and stress relief exercise. A total mind and body conditioner that focuses on meditation as a path to self-knowledge and liberation. Yoga is seen as a means to both physiological and spiritual mastery.

Location: Miller Studio


High energy Latin music aerobics with unique moves and combinations that allow the Zumba participants to dance their worries away.

Location: Miller Studio