Barry University School of Law’s Trial Team advanced to the Semifinals at the 3rd annual In Vino Veritas Golden Gate University School of Law Criminal Mock Trial Competition in San Francisco in October. The competition included 16 teams from 16 law schools.
In the preliminary rounds, the Barry Law team – Alyssa Kersey, Kerece Grant, Devan McGowan and Jocelyn Paiz – defeated teams from Pace University and Faulkner University law schools. Barry’s team advanced to the quarterfinals as the No. 1 overall seed. In the quarterfinals, Barry defeated Creighton University 3-0. In the Semifinals, Barry faced off against American University and lost a close round.
Alyssa Kersey was honored as a best advocate for receiving four perfect scores on judges' ballots, including three in one round. Jocelyn Paiz was also honored for receiving a perfect score on a judge's ballot.
The team was coached by Barry Law and Trial Team alums Melissa Alfonso and Michael Cahill.