Preventing Sexual Assault: What do we all stand to gain as a community by addressing this issue?
As members of a campus community committed to practices of inclusion and social justice, you are invited to a discussion on the root causes of sexual assault, the need for systemic equality and social change. Hosted by the Mission Integration Council, this presentation will be facilitated by Sheila McMahon, PhD, MSW, MDiv, Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work and Sandra Barros, MSW, LCSW, Staff Counselor in Counseling & Psychological Services in Student Affairs.
A wine and cheese socializer is followed by an informal opportunity to discuss how Barry enacts its mission through exploring our personal and collective responsibility to foster a campus culture committed to prevention.
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Time: 4:30-6:00 pm
Location: LaVoie 113
Wine, cheese and other refreshments will be served.
For more information, visit Mission Town Hall page or contact the Office of Mission Engagement at or 305-899-3599.