Alumni Spotlight: Sandra Jones

Alumni Spotlight: Sandra Jones

What year(s) did you graduate from Barry University? 


Which degree did you earn? 

PhD in Nursing

In a nutshell, what do you do?

Professor of Nursing at Florida International University. I have taught across the nursing curriculum (undergraduate, graduate, PhD, and DNP courses).

What are you working on right now?

Currently working on completion of a federal grant from SAMHSA to decrease new cases of HIV and substance abuse in college students at minority-serving colleges/universities

Why do you love what you do?

Teaching nursing students and working to improve the health of my community are important passions for me!

How did Barry University help you get there?

The Barry University PhD in Nursing program taught me advanced nursing research methods. I have used that knowledge and skills when writing grants for projects to decrease new cases of HIV in women and college students.

Over the past 15 years since graduation, I have received over $2 million in external grants to develop, implement, and evaluate HIV prevention education programs for college students.