Thesis Proposal Defense for David K. Wood

Thesis Proposal Defense for David K. Wood

Title: “Encounter that Leads to Transformation: Assessing Participation in the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy Through Hospitality and Welcome, Preaching and Music at San Jose Parish in Austin, Texas"

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Time: 2:30PM, O'Laughlin 225.

Mentor: Mark Wedig, PhD, OP
Faculty Readers: Jorge Presmanes, DMin, OP and Mary Francis Fleischaker, DMin, OP
Peer Reader: Maria Cruz-Cordoba
Ex-officio Members: George Boudreau, PhD, OP; Christopher Jones, PhD; Jose David Padilla, SThD, OP; Gloria Schaab, PhD, SSJ; and Ann Swaner, PhD.