Wellness Day

Wellness Day is about individual wellness, everything that embodies wellbeing of the “self”. It is about finding your balance within every aspect of your life. It is about finding out your own strengths, weaknesses, deficiencies, and interests. It is about looking within yourself, your character, your perception, your influences, and your body to figure out what is missing and what needs enhancement. It is about finding what fits into your life in order to live in wellness. It is about finding your peace and happiness within yourself in order to live in peace and happiness with others and the surrounding world.

Interested in being a vendor for Wellness Day? Contact us!

Questions? Visit us at our CRW office - Landon 112 or e-mail us at wellness@barry.edu

Vendor Participation

Vita CocoLegacy FitMiami Dade PoliceWizards Creation
North Miami PoliceDrink BaiSwitchboard of MiamiStudent Health Services
Empowered Youth Food TruckStudent Advocacy DepartmentLatin King Food TruckEndlessly Organic
Berry OrganicAAARepresentative from the State Attorney officeHurricane jumpers
Center for Counseling and Psychological ServicesSouth Florida Commuter ServicesKC Healthy CookingCommuter Student Resources
Delta Psychological ServicesAllied Barton Security servicesSchool of Human Performance and Leisure Sciences (HPLS) - Sport Psychology and Sport and Exercise SciencesPublic Safety
American Cancer SocietyRecovery First, Inc.