How Far Can You Walk?
Take the BUC Walking Challenge 2010!
October 13, 2010 – November 23, 2010

Last year thirty-three teams competed to “walk to Orlando” and took steps to a healthier lifestyle in the 3rd Annual BUC Walking Challenge.
“Take a journey” this fall with the department of Campus Recreation and Wellness (CRW) by participating in the 4th Annual BUC Walking Challenge. Campus Recreation and Wellness and the Wellness Initiative Network (WIN) invite the faculty, staff, and students throughout ALL of our campuses to be a part of the BucWalking Challenge; a wellness competition in which teams of four compete against one another to see which group can accumulate the most steps over a six week period. This year the Barry community will also be going “step for step” against the staff from Welleby Elementary School in Broward county.
Did you know the Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week in order to maintain good health. If you take 10,000 steps a day, you will reap the same health benefits as if you spent that recommended amount of time in the gym each week. You can earn steps by parking further away, taking the stairs, working out with a friends, or joining any of our wellness class! Do not underestimate the social aspect of group exercise!
Registration opens Wednesday, September 22, 2010 and closes on October 11, 2010! The cost per person is $20 for students, and $25 for faculty/staff. For this low fee you receive: a t-shirt, one pedometer, Gobble Wobble entrance, Miami Heart Walk sponsorship, and educational materials. The forms are available in the Fitness Center (Landon 201) or at the office of Campus Recreation and Wellness (Landon 112). Check out for more information and to receive information about other events going on at Barry to keep you living well!
The kick-off event will take place on Wednesday, October 13th from 1-2pm (Location: The Mall, in front of the Chapel). Teams who have submitted their forms and registration fees will be able to pick up their pedometer at that time. You can also take a group picture for the Team Photo contest, partake in wellness assessments, have your foot analyzed and learn about proper footwear, and start clocking your steps with a group walk.
This event is sponsored by: Campus Recreation and Wellness (CRW) and the Wellness Initiative Network (WIN).